Food For Thought - Generative AI Text Tools
From Ian Linkletter
From Ian Linkletter
Ian Linkletter is an Emerging Technology and Open Education Librarian with BCIT Library. He has extensive experience piloting and implementing technologies to support teaching, learning, and communication. Exploring emerging technologies through an ethical lens is his passion.
Previously, Ian worked at UBC’s Faculty of Education for 10 years as a Learning Technology Specialist, helping faculty implement emerging technologies into their teaching in evidence-informed, care-centred, pedagogically sound ways.
Her current role allows Erika to combine the practical application of pedagogical theory and effective teaching and learning principles with information technology, program and course development, graphic and web design, and problem-solving. Erika advocates for teaching in beta, where curriculum and course development are never 'done' and instead are an iterative cycle of learning, assessment and adjustment.
Erika’s research interests include eLearning design practices, educational technologies, agency in technology adoption and use, STEM education, student self-efficacy, self-motivation and self-regulation.